Thursday, May 27, 2010


today was ok. for the most part. i went to 5th and 6th periods. which were OH so boring! aaaand then me nate liz and natalie sluffed 7th period:) it was pretty bomb dot com. weee got a snocone, and subway, and played.

soo ya. it was fun. i loooffffeee them 8) then for 8th period, i didn't wanna go to that class either, so i went to liz's class with her. film photography. and we watched a movie about kids in a national spelling bee. its kinda cool. but its quite sad!! they really have no lives! like they'll get invited to hang out with friends on a friday night, but they say, "no i have to study the dictionary.." WHAT/?????????/// WHY!!! i'm sorry! but thats just really sad!
buuttt during thee movie, me&liz.... we say the weirdest things?? its really funny actually. like for example??
i dont like too much physical contact.. unless its wiping my grandmother.
and we talk in these weird nerdy lisps.. its HILARIOUS! k heres another one..
dont touch the cows or you'll get aids! we wrote all of these obscenities on a piece of paper, and stuck it in someones locker?? yaaa we would do something like that. and the funny part is, we know exactly who's locker we put it in, and we are not exactly fond of them..........

haha ok. ya.
nothing eventful happened after school.
i watched so you think you can dance.
my realization; i will never go anywhere with dance. it made me feel.... i dont even know the words.
i guess it made me feel worthless. like i have no point in being here. i try my hardest and i love dancing with my whole entire self. my whole being IS dance. but what i realized is, i will never be good enough to be on a ballet company in new york, or ballet west, which is my dream. i will never be good enough to try out for so you think you can dance.

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