Wednesday, June 23, 2010


dude. me&tiaura longboarded for literally 7 hours today... it was BOMB(: we rode trax up to the U, and were down town all day. we got zupas for lunch. and it was just so much fun. it was one of those days where we dont have a plan. we just do whatever we want and whatever happens next. LOVE IT
me&tiaura on traxx

We met our friend Andrew from efy at the U. and he longboarded with us. it was great. after that, we drove down to draper and went on the draper trail. today is my 2nd day longboarding. aaaand i'm not bad! maybe its cause i snowboard?? 
            anywayss, it was just a great day. possibly the best ever??(:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

the touch of your lips, its a shock not a kiss

ahh summer is great. i've had so much fun the past few weeks! went to efy, st. george, and i've just done whateverr. its so nice to not have to worry about school and homework (: i'm so happy i've gotten close again with my best friend. we've always been close, but its hard cause we live about 30 minutes apart. but when we do see eachother, its like we had never even been apart(: but we basically play every day now that its summer! i love itt. today, she came over and we went long boarding. SO fun! i've never longboarded, but i snowboard, soo i was pretty good for my first time.

    We [me&tiaura] are going to lagoon, and she's gonna get a season pass too, so we can go every day now! i LOVE LAGOON!! (: so much fun. i love summer and just doing whatever. On saturday, tiaura, liz, nate, and I were bored, so we found this super long giant log at the park, and we put it in tiaura's car. We then went to Gual Bertos, and chucked it in there. it was freakin hilarious! after that, we went back to my house and slept in a tent. it was bomb?? yaaa [: oh and, i get snocones pretty much every day. its cool. i love snocones. they should have them all year long. it sucks they're only around for 3 months of the freakin year! gahh. i would so eat snocones in the winter.

   Also, i love sleeping in. its amazing. I stay up way late, then I sleep in way late. then i get ready for the day and go out again at night(: its great fun. The only problem with summer right now, is i haven't seen one of my best friends for a long time. We were so close at school. but now that its summer, we haven't hung out. i hate it! i was at efy for a week, then the next week, she was at her violin camp delia bob. and when we did hang out, it was the day i drove home from efy, and I fell asleep at her house... so basically i just miss her guts a whole lot. we hung out more during school then we have this summer:/
   well basically... thats it?? 

Sunday, June 13, 2010


So this past week I went to EFY with my best friend in St. George. we drove down in Tiaura's car a day early and stayed in a hotel. It was so much fun. We named Tiaura's car Julio. dont ask why. we have one million more inside jokes then we did before:) and we found out there is so many towns in Utah we have never even heard of. like Scipio?? WHAT THE HECK IS SCIPIO?!!?
driving down to St. Geeeezy
 When we finally got there we checked into our hotel, and then we went driving around. so. much. fun! we got food and then we went swimming, and watched Alice in wonderland:) 
The first day of EFY was so fun. we met our company, and they are seriously the best people evaaa. Our counselors are Kristy&Alex and I LOVE THEM. Kristy is the most energetic person ever, and her and Alex are best friends. and our whole company wants them to get married:)
some people whom I love and just have a tendency to be FREAKIN AWESOME

We named our company The Chosen. aand we're all basically best friends forever now. and its so weird cause so many of them live like 5 minutes from where I live and i've never met them in my life. I think Jessa and I, the one with the beard in the picture above, are meant to be soul mates. we are exactly alike! On wednesday night, it was games night, and our company won for the best company banner. then we had pizza after, and we made friendship bracelets for all the guys in our company:) 
these are the girls in the company at pizza night:) we have so many inside jokes, its awesome. like.. meeahhhhh, now say it backward. hhaeaammm:) and OH MY GOSH I FREAKIN LOVE YOU. the list goes on forever:)

me&jake:) sweetest most nicest most cutest kid i've everr met:) it sucks cause we live in different states:(
Justin, Brandon, and I. LOVE THEMM:)
Alex, Kristy, and I. I absolutely love them to death. they've taught me so much:))) It was the hardest thing to say goodbye to everyone. we are so much like a family, and we were all so close. after being together 24/7 for a week, it really sucks saying goodbye:/
this is the prank Me, Tiaura, Jessa&Jenna pulled on Alex and Kristy. This is the van they are driving back to Provo, aaand we decided to let people know that they've just gotten married at EFY:) the funny thing is it's a giant van.... get it??:)
Jessa and Jenna rode home with us because they live like 5 minutes away from us. sooo... this is what happens when we go to random gas stations in random towns we've never heard of. like SCIPIO??? hahaha. we bought best friends forever bracelets at this gas station, and there was also a petting zoo?? yep. a petting zoo in scipio, at the gas station.
This is Jenna. laying in front of the petting zoo. We have this game called the laying down game, where we lay face down in random awkward places. like petting zoos! haaha
this was probly the best week of my life. i love all these people so much! we are basically a family now. i made some of the best friends i'll ever make this past week. OHH MYY GOOOSSH I FREAKIN LOVE THEM<3

Thursday, June 3, 2010


ahhh this week so far has been the best start to summer!! monday, me&natalie went to a bonfire with our friend raul and a bunch of his friendss. we drove for probably 3 hours trying to find a place to have a fire that was aloud, but we just ended up in raul's backyard.

this is the finish product firee:)

tuesday was officially the last day of school. but i didn't go to any of my classes. what's the point?? it was seriously the longest day of school i've ever been too. it was just way long and boring?? 
Liz and I in our excitement that is the last day of school:)

On wednesday, Kenzi&I went to Lagoooooon!! BEST TIME EVER! we finally got our season passes too:) the day we went, just happened to be ninth grade lagoon day for 3 of the school districts in the valley! so, me and kenzi, being seniors, chilled with the little freshman alll day long. it was a fun time. haha.
myself and gorgeous kenzi having a blast togethaa

some freshman probably feeling really awkward that we were taking pictures of them?? haha

me and kenzi on the swings!! we rode them probably 8 times??? sooo much fun:)
I cant wait for the rest of the summer!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


this weekend=very successful
friday.. took a nap! naps are the best ever.
we went to studio 600 at 9, and it was prolly the most bomb thing everrr!
danced with attractive men, good music, best time?? yesssss. got home at 2 in the morning?? yaaaa
gosh studio really should have high school nights like 3 times monthly. their siccckkkk:)

me+natalie+kenzi+sleepoverafterstudio=fun times
then on saturday i went with my madre shopping. then i had work. which wasn't bad. liz worked with me too. and we both closed. we got off at FREAKIN 12:15 AM! jeeeeeeeez!
me&liz then went to In n' Out burger at 12;30 AM aaaand got some dr. pepper.

we were blasting my krunkk playlist in the car [possibly the best playlist ever made/??] aand these guys in the car in front of us were dancing to our music aand it was bomb.
so ya.

;lkatpo8uSO EXCITED