Thursday, May 27, 2010


today was ok. for the most part. i went to 5th and 6th periods. which were OH so boring! aaaand then me nate liz and natalie sluffed 7th period:) it was pretty bomb dot com. weee got a snocone, and subway, and played.

soo ya. it was fun. i loooffffeee them 8) then for 8th period, i didn't wanna go to that class either, so i went to liz's class with her. film photography. and we watched a movie about kids in a national spelling bee. its kinda cool. but its quite sad!! they really have no lives! like they'll get invited to hang out with friends on a friday night, but they say, "no i have to study the dictionary.." WHAT/?????????/// WHY!!! i'm sorry! but thats just really sad!
buuttt during thee movie, me&liz.... we say the weirdest things?? its really funny actually. like for example??
i dont like too much physical contact.. unless its wiping my grandmother.
and we talk in these weird nerdy lisps.. its HILARIOUS! k heres another one..
dont touch the cows or you'll get aids! we wrote all of these obscenities on a piece of paper, and stuck it in someones locker?? yaaa we would do something like that. and the funny part is, we know exactly who's locker we put it in, and we are not exactly fond of them..........

haha ok. ya.
nothing eventful happened after school.
i watched so you think you can dance.
my realization; i will never go anywhere with dance. it made me feel.... i dont even know the words.
i guess it made me feel worthless. like i have no point in being here. i try my hardest and i love dancing with my whole entire self. my whole being IS dance. but what i realized is, i will never be good enough to be on a ballet company in new york, or ballet west, which is my dream. i will never be good enough to try out for so you think you can dance.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


i really just cant even fathom this. i, me, will be in the presence of possible the two most beautiful men that have ever walked this earth. and i, myself, will be listening, live, to their music, that they created, themselves. the 2 most beautiful men ever. EVVERRR. its really quite the bomb. so far me natalie&&raul are going fo sho mo. :) aaand its in the venue, which isn't a big place, sooo hopefully we'll be able TO MEET THEM????????// ohh myy gooshhhh. if i met them, i dont even know. oh gosh. ohhhhh goodness.
wowowowowowo mGMT Is my favoriteee baand. ever. love em. i heart that they once sat in a tent on stage at one of their concerts, and smoked pot. on stage. they do the craziest things. and the remind me of... mYSELF?? yaaaa
well i gotta go my friend.
cccc yaaaa

Monday, May 24, 2010


4. more. days. of. school. and. i. will. be. free. for. 3. months.

i'm SO EXCITED! i am 1 happy camperr when it comes to summmer. mmmm:) oh oh and MGMT IS COMING AND I'M GOING! i'm so stokd! summer summer summerrrr
   -lagooooon! i will have a season pass
   -St. George baby!!! first week of summerrr:)
   -work... dont want to but it will get me muunaayy
   -ssnoconesss.. mmm yumyum
   -not wear shoes? ya
   -do WHATEVERR i want

this list would go on foreverrrr but i dont have forever. soo ya.
   i juss loooffffeee this pichurre! shoot the tube/

Sunday, May 23, 2010

crazy crazy craaaazy:)

ahhh this weekend was theeee bombbbbbb..8)
it was just the best time. sooo
in order of occurrence: [all of this happens on saturday.. byyy thee way]
      -run a red light while angie is trying to choke liz
      -crash a wedding, get some free food, dance a little
      -try and crash kerns prom?? unsuccessful...........
      -get pulled over by a cop... and he lets us GOOOO:)
      -pick up some other kidss. 8 people in 1 car!
      -crash another wedding! dance a little, eat some food
      -find some people with a bonfire, join them, roast starburst
mmmm ya successful weekendd if i doo say so mysellffff..8) i luffff my freeens

Thursday, May 20, 2010

i'll never sing of love because it does not exist

ahh paramore; i love them:) their song the only exception is thee best thing i've ever heard.

When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And cursed at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist

But darlin,
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Or keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm content
With loneliness

Because none of it was ever worth the risk, but

You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know your leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream


You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

And I'm on my way to believing.
Oh, And I'm on my way to believing

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


andrew vanwyngarden; epitome of perfect/talented/freakinattractive/hippie
and he's part of my favorite band. mgmt. 
i really LOVE him a lot. and i REALLY would like to meet him a lot....
He is a hippie. drugs and allll. and mgmt is coming here! june 4th. but guess how much his concert is?? $77 bucks. i want to go SO bad.. i just wanna see him. see him in person. and since the concert is at the venue, which isn't a very big place, there is a huge chance that i would get to meet him!but the chance that i will have 77 extra bucks is not huge.... sadly


Thursday, May 6, 2010

birthday adventuresss:)

so my birthday was the bomb. In my first period class at school, there was 2 other people with the same birthday! now i know 4 people that have the same birthday as me. haha. I donated blood and got out of class, then instead of going to 4th period, we went to lunch and on a hiikee:)

thats the waterfall at the hike and the back of nate?? haha

        so then when i got home from school, my best friend who moved away:( tiaura, and nate too, were at my house :) she literally made my day. i was so happy to see her. she actually made my whole week :) Me, Tiaura, and Nate when on an adventure like old times. is was way fun.
I went to dinner at Goodwood which was the besst, and i saw Ciara there. then natalie came over to my house when we got home and she ate cake with us. and i opened presents. i got clothes, money, headphones, the normal:) me and natalie then went on another adventure to the mall.

haha i was yelling "its my birthdayyyy" out the window. it was great fun.

k then the next day, on wednesday, after school, me, kenzi, nate, and jordan, went up to this GIANT rope swing. and it's kinda by Tiaura's house, so i called her and she came and met us there:)
then we got icecream at Tiaura's work<3

nate and jordan on top of this building at the park.. ahha

Monday, May 3, 2010


tomorrow is my birthdayyy. its so crazy! i remember my 16th birthday so well, everything about it! and now a year has gone by, and i'll be 17 in 3 1/2 hours!
i'm sooo excited! 16 was a good year, a lot of stuff happened.
junior year
met liz
got my license to drivee:]
had the best summer 09
went to revolution:]]
ballet west nutcrackerr
worked at a haunted house
became superr close with ciara:]
efy  with tiaura:))))
many other things too.
16 is probly the bestt.
its so crazy how fast time fly's. 
oh and i'm donating blood on my birthday too. kindaaa nervous about that.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


is there really such a thing as love?
is anything meant to be?
or is everything just a coincidence