Friday, April 30, 2010



Bob Marley;
hero figure
one world
one love
music is life
life is music
"When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself."
"One good thing about music, when it hits-you feel no pain."
"In this bright future, you can't forget your past."
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi;
Civil Disobedience; compassion in the form of respectful disagreement. He swore to speak the truth and advocated that others do the same.
Non violence
Non resistance
"There are many causes that I am prepared to die for, but no cause that I am prepared to kill for."
"A man is the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes."
"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of it's people."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


it's part of me
it's something physical, emotional, mental.
it's how I vent, release.
are there really words to explain it??
this is me trying.
it's the most pain i've ever felt in my life.
physical, emotional, mental
its all rewarding. out of breath, heart racing, sweating. loving every second of it. pushing myself to the limit. as far as i've ever gone.
it's not just a want or need
its a desire, a passion. without it where would i be?? i dont know.
with it, where am i?? i'm here. feeling all of these emotions, and letting them out of my body. happiness, passion, love, improvment, growth, disappointment, frustration.
although i might not become famous, well known, or loved through this, as long as i still can, i will be content. happy. improving. dancing.
dancing; is a part of me

Thursday, April 22, 2010


happy earth dayyy!:)
the only thing that should be different about today is that we shouldn't have school, and it should be at least 78 degrees outside. but no. it snowed today.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

we love sluffing

so the same thing happens every B day at school. Nate comes up to me and says "hey come with me to my house for lunch so i can get food" and i say "ok, but i have to be back for 7th period." and nate says "ya i have to be back too". so we invite Kenzi and Liz and Natalie. but we all secretly know that we're not coming back for 7th period. or even 8th period. its the greatest thing ever! today we did that exact thing, and on monday. and last week.... and today it started hailing while we were in the car. and the hail was huge! so we went to the tennis court and played tennis in the rain. we just do the randomest things everr. its great fun

Monday, April 19, 2010

today me and liz were driving after school, just driving around, with sunglasses on:) and we see this car full of attractive guys, so we're like, "what the heck! lets follow them"
we start following them into this neighborhood, and somehow they knew we were following them..?
i dont know how they figured it out. but they pulled over, we went past them, then THEY started following US! it was the best. we finally lost them, and never found them again.
but this day just reminded me so much of summer, it was fantastic:) the weather was perfect, and the sun was out, and we just drove around listening to music:)
only 28 days of school left:))))

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

summer is calling my name:)

summer is calling my name and its all I can think about
the warm sun, everyday, doing whatever I want whenever I want:)
being in California will be the best.
the ocean, beach, sun, shorts, and 2 of my best friends in the whole wide world:)
blasting music in the car with the windows down
its all I want
this school year has gone by so fast but so slow at the same time
i'm so happy there's only 32 days of school left, but at the same time, i'm sad my junior year is almost over.
but summer definitely wins over school:)
summer nights
going barefoot
driving aimlessly
shoot the tube
I literally cant wait

it's going to be the best summer ever:)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

this is why we're best firends:))

me and my friends... we do the craziest weirdest things. like last night, it was the best ever!
we just do whatever we want! its kind of the best. i love them so much.
we're always laughing at something stupid and we never really have any type of plans to do anything
fun stuff just happens when we're together. cause we make it fun.
we just drive around and go places. and we somehow always end up at walmart.. haha
aaand last night a man stalked us in walmart.. creepy i kknow!
so last night we were in our car dancing to techno like usual right?
ya and these 2 guys walk by and their staring at us, while we're dancing.. in the car..
and maybe you just had to be there, but we all crack up laughing
those 2 guys faces when they looked at us, it was priceless
it was the funniest thing ever. we were literally laughing for like 10 minutes straight, and i almost peed! it was the best
oh and we like to randomly yell things out the car window to people walking on the street
and ya know just scare them or make them feel awkward
"beautiful man!"
"i want to run away and never say goodbye!"
"i'm in love i'm in love and i dont care who knows it!"
"hey do you have an extra shirt??"
ya its pretty cool.
we stay up all night, run around in golf courses, we dont wear shoes
we walk in the snow bare foot, we dont care what people think
we get kicked out of walmart, we go to graveyards and almost pee our pants. we have fun:)
i dont know what i would do without them!
liz.... she's crazy:)

me&&kenz with our awesome sunglasses:)

that would be liz ... with her head under a horses butt

thats me! flying


thats me.. flying again. its what i do!


Sunday, April 4, 2010


time is going by so slowly
i feel like its never been like this
its like i'm stuck, right here, forever
there's only one thing i want right now
and that is for it to be summer10'

i've never wanted summer this bad!
but with all the plans we've made for summer,
why wouldn't we be freakin excited??:)
i should enjoy the rest of my junior year in highschool,
but all I can think about is summer!
basically the only thing getting me through school right now is
friends, dance, and days off of school:)
and the weather here isn't helping either
its April 4th, and i woke up to 3 inches of snow on the ground.
i hate this. dumb utah weather is bipolar.

At least it's the 4th quarter of school
hopefully it will go by fast.
this summer is going to be the best
i cant stop thinking about it and its driving me crazy!
the only thing that makes me sad about summer is,
i cant snowboard:/