Sunday, January 24, 2010


dancing is my life.
i dance when i'm happy, sad, angry, and it seems to make everything better
i get the most out of dancing when there is a story or emotion behind it all
i love learning new combos where there is so much room to add your own style and emotion
i love my dance family; they make the whole experience amazing
i love the feeling of being sore, it makes me feel accomplished. like i worked really hard
without dance, i dont know where and especially who i would be
i'm addicted to dance

music is everything to me.
i love playing my piano, and my guitar
i love learning new music
i love the way it makes me feel
there is music for every mood i'm ever in
i love discovering new music and listening to it all day long
i love bands nobody's ever heard of
music completes me

i haven't been snowboarding for long
but once i finally got the hang of it, it felt awesome
i cant wait for the next time i can go
the cold, clean, wind is so refreshing
when the sun is out, its perfect
i can get away from the world up there
i cant wait to improve

my friends are part of me
without them, i would be nothing. literally.
i wouldn't know what to do
i can go to them for anything and everything
i love the feeling of being with them for the whole weekend
we do anything we want. we go anywhere we want.
we have the best times together
i feel so close to them, and i feel like i've known them forever
i love late night conversations on the phone
i love juss driving around
i love going to haunted places and getting scared
i love telling them everything, because i know they will listen
i love sleepovers when we all squish into one bed
i love staying up all night
i love their hugs
they are my inspiration
i love them

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

confusion is nothing new

figuring someone out can be the hardest thing
right when you think you've got it... your totally wrong.
right when i think i understand someone and the signals...
i'm wrong.

all that is happening right now is me getting confused.
confused over something that i shouldn't let bother me.
although i always let the little things worry me.

this is something i shouldn't let ruin my day
i dont know why i'm letting it get to me
maybe tomorrow will be better.

i cant stand not to think about it
its on my mind all day
but it seems to be going nowhere as of today.
its just one day...
i shouldn't let this bother me

i need to forget about it for now
i have gotten my hopes up too high
now they are falling

if its meant to be, it will happen
if its not meant to be, then it wont happen
i still have to try though
put forth some effort